IF YOU ARE HOMELESS, CLICK HERE. Fill out the form to get on the list. All I ask is that you help to promote this by writing “spanging.com” on your shirt or sign. Together we can make this happen.
Spange (v)-The act of gathering spare change.
Honest Abe
Abe, Abraham, Wes, the dude who does the web stuff
You can read about my story in the what happened page.
I really appreciate all the hygiene products ya'll donate, I just wish I had a shower.

D, or Dale, or the other dude.
Dale has been homeless for a few years now following the devastating loss of his mother, who was the world to him. One thing compiled on another and now he is stuck out here like a lot of others. Part of the core 3, I can't wait to see how he treats his chance. I bet we see him turn it into a billion.
Dale has 2 children with Megan whom you see with him from time to time. Until they can get a hand up, they are in no position to be with the children they love. Fortunately for them some family members are stepping up to assist with the children while Dale and Megan get it together. Lets donate to rebuild this family and give it a chance to achieve the panicles of emotion and contentment that only comes from a stable family.